We are constantly working to raise the bar on our services. If you have any questions or concerns about your experience, please let us know. Our support concierges are available 24/7.
Cary Rowan
+1 (805) 555 0123
Kennedy Kosciuszko
+1 (805) 555 0110
Jared Lowry
+1 (626) 555 0123
Your privacy is our priority and we take it seriously. Premise Health maintains all of your records, and we follow the same state and federal laws as any healthcare organization. We can’t share any information without your permission, unless it pertains directly to a workplace injury or illness.
Who can use The Health Clinic? If you are an employee enrolled in a Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center sponsored medical plan, you are eligible to use the onsite health services for free.
© 2024 | Operated by Premise Health